
Philadelphia Academy for Nurse Aide Training Inc.

We can train you to become a Certified Nursing Assistant in only 135 hours over 4 weeks

Why CNA Training Near Me Give You An Affordable Path To A Rewarding Career?

The Nursing assistant training school near me plays a vital role in healthcare, working hands-on with patients’ day in, and day out. Being a CNA isn't just about one type of healthcare setting. You can work in hospitals, rehab centers, nursing homes; you name it. 

  • Quick training and big rewards

First up, you don’t need to spend ages in school to take CNA training near me. Training usually lasts anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks, with about 75 hours of hands-on experience. 

CNA training near me

  • Affordable path to a rewarding career

Getting certified as CNA training Philadelphia won't break the bank. It's not like pursuing a degree; average costs hover around $1,000, plus extras for certification and registration. 

  • Springboard to bigger things

CNAs from PANAT are in high demand, which means your skills are super valuable. It's like the first rung on a career ladder with lots of room to climb.

  • Rock-solid job security

Forget worrying about finding work; CNA jobs are multiplying faster than rabbits. While other job markets grow at a snail's pace, job opportunities after passing from this nursing assistant training school near me are expected to skyrocket by 2024. 

  • Choose your work scene

One of the sweet perks of being a CNA is the variety of workplaces you can pick from. Hospitals, hospices, long-term care centers; you name it, CNA training near me can work there. So if you start with kiddos but fancy a switch to elder care later, no problem.

  • Thrilling and ever-changing workdays

If you're the type who needs constant stimulation, being a CNA is right up your alley. CNA training Philadelphia can give you freedom from boring jobs.

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